"Where Good Kids Become Great Leaders"

The Young Marines is a Leadership Program for kids ages 8 through the completion of high school modeled after, and endorsed by, the United States Marine Corps. At our unit (one of nearly 300 across the U.S.) we focus on Military & American History, physical fitness, public speaking, citizenship, community service, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. Young Marines are not pushed into the military, but they are required to appreciate the freedoms granted by those who serve(d).
The Northern Kentucky unit is the PROUD HOME of the 2011 Advanced Leadership School Honor Graduate, the 2013 Division 2 Young Marine of the Year, the 2013 NATIONAL YOUNG MARINE of the YEAR, the 2016 Division 2 Young Marine of the Year, the 2016 ALS Iron Mike & Honor Graduate, the 2017 Division 2 Young Marine of the Year, 2017 National JLS Honor Graduate, the 2020 Division 2 JLS Iron Maiden & Iron Mike & Honor Graduate, the 2021 1st Georgia Regiment JLS Iron Mike & Honor Graduate, the 2021 1st Georgia Regiment SLS Iron Molly & Honor Graduate, the 2022 Old Dominion Regiment Young Marine of the Year, the 2023 Old Dominion Regiment Junior Young Marine of the Year, the 2023 Old Dominion Senior Regiment Young Marine of the Year, the 2023 Jimmy Trimble Scholarship recipient, the 2024 Old Dominion Senior Regiment Young Marine of the Year, and the 2019 and 2023 DIVISION 2 UNIT of the YEAR!
The Northern Kentucky unit is the PROUD HOME of the 2011 Advanced Leadership School Honor Graduate, the 2013 Division 2 Young Marine of the Year, the 2013 NATIONAL YOUNG MARINE of the YEAR, the 2016 Division 2 Young Marine of the Year, the 2016 ALS Iron Mike & Honor Graduate, the 2017 Division 2 Young Marine of the Year, 2017 National JLS Honor Graduate, the 2020 Division 2 JLS Iron Maiden & Iron Mike & Honor Graduate, the 2021 1st Georgia Regiment JLS Iron Mike & Honor Graduate, the 2021 1st Georgia Regiment SLS Iron Molly & Honor Graduate, the 2022 Old Dominion Regiment Young Marine of the Year, the 2023 Old Dominion Regiment Junior Young Marine of the Year, the 2023 Old Dominion Senior Regiment Young Marine of the Year, the 2023 Jimmy Trimble Scholarship recipient, the 2024 Old Dominion Senior Regiment Young Marine of the Year, and the 2019 and 2023 DIVISION 2 UNIT of the YEAR!
BEYOND PROUD and super-excited to announce that our own Abby Smith has earned the title of 2025 Division 3 Young Marines Young Marine of the Year!
Words cannot express how much effort and passion that YM Smith has dedicated to the Young Marines program, our unit, and the veteran community. She is a prime example of a Young Marine and will represent our Division very well!
*With her selection as the D3 YMOY, YM Smith has earned the rank of Young Marine Sergeant Major and will compete for the NATIONAL YOUNG MARINE of the YEAR (NYMOY) in Dallas TX this April. In the meantime, she will travel throughout our Division, motivating other Young Marines, sharing and gaining knowledge, and getting to know as many units as she can.
Words cannot express how much effort and passion that YM Smith has dedicated to the Young Marines program, our unit, and the veteran community. She is a prime example of a Young Marine and will represent our Division very well!
*With her selection as the D3 YMOY, YM Smith has earned the rank of Young Marine Sergeant Major and will compete for the NATIONAL YOUNG MARINE of the YEAR (NYMOY) in Dallas TX this April. In the meantime, she will travel throughout our Division, motivating other Young Marines, sharing and gaining knowledge, and getting to know as many units as she can.
The Northern KY YoungMarines are excited to kick off our year 'round fundraiser with Patriots Landing Kentucky! For every purchase made through our link, https://www.patriotslanding.org/?ref=NKYYMs , a percentage of all sales will be donated to our unit. If you make a donation via our link, 100% of those dollars will be given to our unit as well!
All products are handcrafted here in Kentucky by veterans, and all products can be shipped across the U.S.
*Young Marines units everywhere, Patriots Landing Kentucky will offer this incredible fundraising opportunity to you as well! Feel free to reach out to us or them.
HUGE thanks to Patriots Landing Kentucky for this opportunity!
All products are handcrafted here in Kentucky by veterans, and all products can be shipped across the U.S.
*Young Marines units everywhere, Patriots Landing Kentucky will offer this incredible fundraising opportunity to you as well! Feel free to reach out to us or them.
HUGE thanks to Patriots Landing Kentucky for this opportunity!
2024 Northern KY Young Marines Birthday Ball, y'all!
Thank you to everyone who supported our Birthday Ball this year - what a fantastic evening!
Cobras, Hueys, and a Major, oh my!
Major Joel Nienaber USMC gave our Young Marines a glimpse into the life of a Marine helicopter pilot
(and a tour of the Cobras and Hueys that were in town for a flyover of the Cincinnati Bengals game).
(and a tour of the Cobras and Hueys that were in town for a flyover of the Cincinnati Bengals game).
Honoring the heroism of PFC Edward H. Ahrens
When YM/MGySgt Abby Smith (a sophomore at Beechwood Independent School District) was made aware (by friends from Charging Forward For America) of a local Marine and WWII hero whose gravesite lacked any recognition of his distinguished service and sacrifice, she decided to do something to correct the situation. Abby made it her mission to raise funds for a long overdue honor for PFC Edward Ahrens USMC KIA (and his family). Due to her efforts, the generosity of others (especially John R. Little VFW Post 3186), the craftsmen at Rolf Monument Co. Inc., and the help of Evergreen Cemetery Southgate KY,
See the memorial plaque at Evergreen Cemetery in Southgate KY.
See the memorial plaque at Evergreen Cemetery in Southgate KY.
Meritoriously Promoted (again)
At just 9 years old, YM/PFC Grant Streder researched and created a 20-minute Drug Demand Reduction presentation for his classmates. He then gave that presentation three more times to other classes at Our Lady of the Visitation School, qualifying him for the Young Marines DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) Device. This is a huge accomplishment, especially considering his rank and age. When the award packet was submitted, Headquarters Young Marines were so impressed that they decided to meritoriously promote YM Streder to Young Marine Lance Corporal. *Grant was also the Honor Graduate of the Recruit Training Class of 2023, earning him his first meritorious promotion (to YM Private First Class). |
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Saturday 3/30/24 - Northern KY YoungMarines 2024 Recruit Graduation Ceremony where we joined forces with many members of the community (and some of our favorite groupies) to honor the hard work of our four newest Young Marines. Special shout out to Corbin Zdunic, who was selected as the Honor Graduate and earned a meritorious promotion to Private First Class.
Amongst other lofty but achievable goals set for 2023, we made a plan to visit Pearl Harbor in December as a unit. We spent the year learning about the attacks on 7 December 1941 (and all that happened after). Our goal was to learn as much as we can (geography, timing, impact, decisions, heroes, etc.) so that we could properly honor those who lost their lives in the attack, those who were impacted by or fought during the attack, and all those fought for our country during WWII.
With hard work and the help of many supporters, we achieved our goal. We honored the dead at the National Cemetery of the Pacific, visited Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona, performed community service (removing invasive species of plants to help the island), marched in the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Parade, and spent the evening on the USS Missouri (after touring the ship and witnessing a re-enactment of the signing of the War Treaty). Our experience was phenomenal!
With hard work and the help of many supporters, we achieved our goal. We honored the dead at the National Cemetery of the Pacific, visited Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona, performed community service (removing invasive species of plants to help the island), marched in the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Parade, and spent the evening on the USS Missouri (after touring the ship and witnessing a re-enactment of the signing of the War Treaty). Our experience was phenomenal!
Click the graphic above to visit our trip Facebook page.
YM/Sgt Emmalyn Martin earned a trip to Washington DC this weekend to accept the Jimmy Trimble Scholarship at the American Veterans Center 26th Annual Veterans Conference & Gala. YM/Martin could have just showed up at the very formal dinner to receive her award, but she chose to go above and beyond. Emmalyn and her parents learned from heroes and historians during panels on Saturday morning, trekked out to visit Jimmy Trimble's gravesite on Saturday afternoon, then fancied themselves up for the main event on Saturday evening. At the event, where she walked the red carpet and was featured in the illustrious program alongside heroes and celebrities alike, YM/Martin made the night even more memorable. Emmalyn introduced herself (and the Young Marines program) to many Veterans, foreign dignitaries, and celebrities. (One of her goals was to give her 30-second speech to Top Gun Maverick actor Glen Powell, and she accomplished that, too!)
We are positive that she stunned them all with her confidence, poise, and beauty, and are beyond proud of her!
We are positive that she stunned them all with her confidence, poise, and beauty, and are beyond proud of her!
National Advanced Leadership School TOP 10! (#2 actually)
The Young Marines has announced the top ten graduates of the 2023 National Advanced Leadership School (ALS) held in San Pedro, California. YM/MSgt Abby Smith of the Northern Kentucky Young Marines is among these top ten graduates who have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities. The Young Marines is a national youth organization for boys and girls from age eight through high school graduation.
48 Young Marines from across the country gathered, were trained, and competed from July 8-15, 2023 in a number of different disciplines. Their individual and collective goals were to develop their leadership, mentorship, and management skills while competing in physical challenges and being evaluated on their knowledge, skills, and abilities. The ten best candidates were selected as the prestigious Top Ten Graduates of the Advanced Leadership School. Abby is a sophomore at Beechwood High School in Fort Mitchell. Her future goal is to attend the United States Naval Academy then serve in the United States Navy. YM/MSgt Smith plans to study mechanical engineering in order to become a Surface Warfare Officer. “ALS was a life changing experience. I learned so much about the Young Marines program and leadership,” said Abby. “The most beneficial part of ALS was learning about how to shape the Young Marines in my unit into better leaders. I love all the opportunities this school gave me and the people I met are going to be my friends for a lifetime.” “YM/MSgt Abby Smith joined the Northern KY Young Marines in 2019, has worked tirelessly to progress through the ranks, and is now the senior-ranking Young Marine at our unit,” said Unit Commander Lynne Arnold. “Not only is she highly motivated and very dedicated, but she also represents us very well. YM/MSgt Smith leads by example and is constantly looking for ways to improve our unit, our Young Marines, and the Young Marines program overall. Abby placing second (out of 48 advanced youth leaders from across the country) at ALS is no surprise… we expect great things from her, and she never disappoints.” “As the highest level of Young Marines leadership training, the Advanced Leadership School is a demanding, but rewarding experience for all who participate,” said Col William P. Davis USMC (Ret), National Executive Director and CEO of the Young Marines. “These top Young Marines have exhibited exceptional maturity and leadership skills. Completion of ALS is a major accomplishment for each of these young people. They gain unequaled new skills that they will utilize as they return to their communities and units. Graduates of the academy report back to us that the skills learned here are invaluable in their future endeavors.” |
YM/MSgt Abby Smith
Sophomore at Beechwood High School |
Watch YM/1stSgt Smith's interview with Craig McKee by clicking the photo above.
Congratulations Class of 2023!
Northern Kentucky unit is not only home to the Junior AND Senior Regimental
Young Marines of the Year, we are also the 2023 DIVISION 2 UNIT of the YEAR!
Young Marines of the Year, we are also the 2023 DIVISION 2 UNIT of the YEAR!
(Scan the QR code or click on the graphic above to order.)
"Nugs not Drugs" initiative
The Northern KY Young Marines have rolled out their newest Drug Demand Reducation initiative - our "NUGS NOT DRUGS" campaign! Our YMs created and painted homemade, salt dough 'chicken nuggets' to hand out
to youth at events. (right photo) Plus, we designed stickers for wear or for use on water bottles, binders, folders, electronics, etc. (left photo) #NKYnugsnotdrugs #nugsnotdrugs #goodkidsgreatleaders #YMDDR |
Daughters of the American Revolution Award
Congratulations and OORAH! to YM/1stSgt
Abby Smith for earning the 2023 Daughters of the American Revolution Outstanding Cadet Award from the Mary Ingles Chapter for the second year in a row! The DAR hosted a lovely luncheon and ceremony at the Highland Country Club this afternoon where Abby was presented with a ribbon, a medal, a certificate, and a monetary award. |
106th Infantry Division Memorial Ceremony
YM/MSgt Abby Smith and YM/SSgt Garrett Frans joined forces with other units from the Old Dominion Regiment to present the Colors for the 106th Infantry Division Memorial Ceremony in Pentagon City to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. Mr. Bob Pope, age 98 (Battle of the Bulge survivor and prisoner of war), was the Guest of Honor (and an inspiration). Mr. Pope is the author of My Nine Lives.

Congratulations to YM/GySgt Abby Smith
on her outstanding work at Camp Chester!
Abby was selected as YM Staff for the National encampment in July 2022.
She began the week as a Cabin Leader, but was "promoted" to encampment First Sergeant
mid-week. We are proud of her for her concern for the campers, her leadership while leading classes and activities, and for maintaining her professionalism and leadership throughout
the week. YM/GySgt Smith was awarded a Personal Achievement award by National HQ.
Congratulations to our SLS and ALS Grads!
2022 National Leadership Academies were held at Camp Rilea in Oregon in July 2022. YM/SSgt Oliver Noth successfully completed Senior Leadership School and YM/GySgt Kalib Solomon successfully completed Advanced Leadership School. They both did very well on their scores while there and we are proud of them!

OORAH to YM/Sgt Emmalyn Martin on her selection to the
Northern KY Chamber of Commerce Regional Youth Leadership program!
During the 8-month program, she will collaborate with local business and civic leaders to identify, develop, refine and practice their leadership skills in an effort to become catalysts for change. Each month, she will be presented with new challenges and opportunities for intellectual, creative, social and personal growth.
Topics explored include arts and culture, criminal justice, local government and economic development, and health. Sessions expose students to potential careers, leadership opportunities, and exciting developments in the Greater Cincinnati area.
Students were selected through an extensive application process that included a minimum 3.0 GPA, a demonstration of leadership potential, and approval from their high school principal or guidance counselor.
Northern KY Chamber of Commerce Regional Youth Leadership program!
During the 8-month program, she will collaborate with local business and civic leaders to identify, develop, refine and practice their leadership skills in an effort to become catalysts for change. Each month, she will be presented with new challenges and opportunities for intellectual, creative, social and personal growth.
Topics explored include arts and culture, criminal justice, local government and economic development, and health. Sessions expose students to potential careers, leadership opportunities, and exciting developments in the Greater Cincinnati area.
Students were selected through an extensive application process that included a minimum 3.0 GPA, a demonstration of leadership potential, and approval from their high school principal or guidance counselor.
JLS & SLS Honor Graduates! (& more)
JUNE 2021 - Seven of our Young Marines attended and graduated from Leadership Schools in Byron, GA.
Garrett Frans (15 of Erlanger KY), Emmalyn Martin (15 of Cold Spring KY), and Oliver Noth (13 of Sellersburg IN)
attended Junior Leadership School (JLS), while Adelaide Solomon (age 12 of Villa Hills KY), Abby Smith (age 13
of Fort Mitchell KY), Kalib Solomon (age 14 of Villa Hills KY), and Iris Noth (age 16 of Sellersburg IN) attended
Senior Leadership School (SLS).
The Young Marines from the Northern KY unit earned 4 of the 6 achievement awards at these two schools:
YM/SSgt Iris Noth earned the title of SLS HONOR GRADUATE (top overall student)
YM/LCpl Emmalyn Martin earned the title of JLS HONOR GRADUATE (top overall student)
YM/LCpl Oliver Noth earned the JLS IRON MIKE Award (highest male Physical Fitness Test score)
YM/Sgt Abby Smith earned the JLS IRON MOLLY Award (highest female Physical Fitness Test score)
Junior and Senior Leadership Schools are comprised of classes/classwork, physical training, close order drill instruction
and execution, and leadership training over a 6-day period. Scores are based on a portfolio of written assignments,
a Physical Fitness Test (PFT), a Uniform Inspection, a Leadership Evaluation, and a Close Order Drill Evaluation.
Garrett Frans (15 of Erlanger KY), Emmalyn Martin (15 of Cold Spring KY), and Oliver Noth (13 of Sellersburg IN)
attended Junior Leadership School (JLS), while Adelaide Solomon (age 12 of Villa Hills KY), Abby Smith (age 13
of Fort Mitchell KY), Kalib Solomon (age 14 of Villa Hills KY), and Iris Noth (age 16 of Sellersburg IN) attended
Senior Leadership School (SLS).
The Young Marines from the Northern KY unit earned 4 of the 6 achievement awards at these two schools:
YM/SSgt Iris Noth earned the title of SLS HONOR GRADUATE (top overall student)
YM/LCpl Emmalyn Martin earned the title of JLS HONOR GRADUATE (top overall student)
YM/LCpl Oliver Noth earned the JLS IRON MIKE Award (highest male Physical Fitness Test score)
YM/Sgt Abby Smith earned the JLS IRON MOLLY Award (highest female Physical Fitness Test score)
Junior and Senior Leadership Schools are comprised of classes/classwork, physical training, close order drill instruction
and execution, and leadership training over a 6-day period. Scores are based on a portfolio of written assignments,
a Physical Fitness Test (PFT), a Uniform Inspection, a Leadership Evaluation, and a Close Order Drill Evaluation.
N.KY youth earn top awards in Maryland!

2020 - Four members of the Northern Kentucky Young Marines unit attended and graduated from Junior Leadership School (JLS) in Cheltenham, MD. Adelaide Solomon (age 11, Villa Hills KY), Abby Smith (age 12, Ft Mitchell KY), Kalib Solomon (age 13, Villa Hills KY), and Caleb Rehkamp (age 16, Independence KY) were 4 of 17 Young Marines from multiple states to graduate from the Leadership School.
The four Young Marines from the Northern KY unit took home all three achievement awards!
YM/LCpl Caleb Rehkamp earned the IRON MIKE Award (highest male Physical Fitness Test score)
YM/LCpl Abby Smith earned the IRON MAIDEN Award (highest female Physical Fitness Test score)
and YM/Cpl Adelaide Solomon earned the title of HONOR GRADUATE.
Junior Leadership School is comprised of classes/classwork, physical training, close order drill instruction, and public speaking practice. Scores are based on multiple written assignments, a Physical Fitness Test (PFT), a Uniform Inspection, a Leadership Evaluation, and a Close Order Drill Evaluation.
The four Young Marines from the Northern KY unit took home all three achievement awards!
YM/LCpl Caleb Rehkamp earned the IRON MIKE Award (highest male Physical Fitness Test score)
YM/LCpl Abby Smith earned the IRON MAIDEN Award (highest female Physical Fitness Test score)
and YM/Cpl Adelaide Solomon earned the title of HONOR GRADUATE.
Junior Leadership School is comprised of classes/classwork, physical training, close order drill instruction, and public speaking practice. Scores are based on multiple written assignments, a Physical Fitness Test (PFT), a Uniform Inspection, a Leadership Evaluation, and a Close Order Drill Evaluation.
2019 Ohio Regimental Games Buckeye Cup Winners!
"Yellow Footprints"
On a grey Saturday morning in Spring of 2007, I planted my 11-year-old feet on a set of yellow foot prints that would serve as the first steps to the development and discovery of my self. Without my experiences in the Young Marines program and the opportunities it has afforded me, I would be nothing close to the young woman I am today - but my pre-teen self didn't have a clue. All she knew is that the rain was cold, the voices were loud, and the field was muddy. And much to her surprise, she was enjoying it.
For eight consecutive Saturdays, that young girl gave her all mentally and physically in every aspect of Recruit Training. She transformed from barely being able to look someone in the eye to being able to stand tall and answer questions in front of a board of Registered Adults. More than anything, she was able to proudly wear the uniform she put on that eighth Saturday knowing that it had been earned, not just given. That afternoon she, amongst a platoon of boys ages 8 through 16, was announced the Honor Graduate of Recruit Class 2007 Alpha. Those eight weeks provided the most drastic change I had ever experienced, and all for the better. The girl I became suddenly had the confidence and motivation to excel in the face of a challenge, and enjoy not only the magnitude of the outcome but the experience of the journey. My being announced as Honor Graduate set the theme and the standards for the rest of my time in the program; standards that I continually strive to raise.
Once I earned the title of Young Marine, I immediately immersed myself into the various opportunities of the program, setting out to attend all three leadership schools, for one and two weeks at a time each summer. Not only was the training daunting, but looking back, I can't imagine how I as a 13-year-old had the courage to enthusiastically fly across the country to join ranks with a hundred other Young Marines whom I had never met. Yet every summer for three summers, I did. In 2011, out of the top fifty Young Marines in the nation, I was chosen as the National Advanced Leadership School Honor Graduate. This title, more so than any, sparked a series of events which led me across the country and, eventually, across the world. As the opportunities of the program increased, I continued to search for and create my own.
It was through these experiences and accomplishments that I was named Young Marine of the Year - first for my unit, then the Kentucky Battalion, then the 2nd Division - at which point I was blessed with the trip of a lifetime escorting WWII veterans to Guam and Iwo Jima for the Reunion of Honor. This past May, I stood tall before a board of our National Director and Division Commanders, at which point they chose me to represent our program and its 10,000 members for the next full year.
When I speak of the Young Marines program, be it in front of a national convention, to a prospective young child or to a seat partner on a flight, I not only speak with the confidence of years of training and experience, but I speak from the heart of a life that was fundamentally and forever changed. Each time I take to the stage, my mind drifts back to that Kentucky drill deck, and I wonder how many other stories unknowingly began with a yellow footprint.
©2013 YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter
For eight consecutive Saturdays, that young girl gave her all mentally and physically in every aspect of Recruit Training. She transformed from barely being able to look someone in the eye to being able to stand tall and answer questions in front of a board of Registered Adults. More than anything, she was able to proudly wear the uniform she put on that eighth Saturday knowing that it had been earned, not just given. That afternoon she, amongst a platoon of boys ages 8 through 16, was announced the Honor Graduate of Recruit Class 2007 Alpha. Those eight weeks provided the most drastic change I had ever experienced, and all for the better. The girl I became suddenly had the confidence and motivation to excel in the face of a challenge, and enjoy not only the magnitude of the outcome but the experience of the journey. My being announced as Honor Graduate set the theme and the standards for the rest of my time in the program; standards that I continually strive to raise.
Once I earned the title of Young Marine, I immediately immersed myself into the various opportunities of the program, setting out to attend all three leadership schools, for one and two weeks at a time each summer. Not only was the training daunting, but looking back, I can't imagine how I as a 13-year-old had the courage to enthusiastically fly across the country to join ranks with a hundred other Young Marines whom I had never met. Yet every summer for three summers, I did. In 2011, out of the top fifty Young Marines in the nation, I was chosen as the National Advanced Leadership School Honor Graduate. This title, more so than any, sparked a series of events which led me across the country and, eventually, across the world. As the opportunities of the program increased, I continued to search for and create my own.
It was through these experiences and accomplishments that I was named Young Marine of the Year - first for my unit, then the Kentucky Battalion, then the 2nd Division - at which point I was blessed with the trip of a lifetime escorting WWII veterans to Guam and Iwo Jima for the Reunion of Honor. This past May, I stood tall before a board of our National Director and Division Commanders, at which point they chose me to represent our program and its 10,000 members for the next full year.
When I speak of the Young Marines program, be it in front of a national convention, to a prospective young child or to a seat partner on a flight, I not only speak with the confidence of years of training and experience, but I speak from the heart of a life that was fundamentally and forever changed. Each time I take to the stage, my mind drifts back to that Kentucky drill deck, and I wonder how many other stories unknowingly began with a yellow footprint.
©2013 YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter
Pearl Harbor Adventure14 Young Marines and 5 Adult Staff members from Northern Kentucky unit (along with many other Young Marines and Staff from across the country) participated in the Pearl Harbor Young Marines adventure. These Young Marines and Staff were honored to lay a wreath at the National Cemetery of the Pacific, visit the USS Arizona, participated in the memorial on base, march in the Pearl Harbor Memorial parade, and speak with survivors of the attacks. In their free time, they were able to hike Diamond Head crater, snorkel and swim at Hanauma Bay, hike to M'akapu Point, and enjoy a luau lunch at Hickam Air Force Base. We stayed at MCBH Kaneohe Bay and were able to visit with former Young Marines who are now active duty Marines and stationed on K Bay. Thanks to all those who supported us for making this amazing trip possible!

A Year with the Young Marines
premiered on 5 November 2014 at the historic Kentucky Theatre in Lexington Ky, after which it began airing on KET. This documentary follows our own YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter, 2013-14 National Young Marine of the Year (the first NYMOY from the commonwealth of Kentucky) and
includes many Young Marines from our unit.
Emmy-nominated Producer Doug High does a fabulous job showing the connection that all Young Marines have to our nation's heroes... American Veterans. Please call or email your local PBS station and ask them to air 'Generations of Honor: A Year with the Young Marines', as it has been approved for all national PBS stations. Simply click on the poster to the right to watch the documentary.
A Year with the Young Marines
premiered on 5 November 2014 at the historic Kentucky Theatre in Lexington Ky, after which it began airing on KET. This documentary follows our own YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter, 2013-14 National Young Marine of the Year (the first NYMOY from the commonwealth of Kentucky) and
includes many Young Marines from our unit.
Emmy-nominated Producer Doug High does a fabulous job showing the connection that all Young Marines have to our nation's heroes... American Veterans. Please call or email your local PBS station and ask them to air 'Generations of Honor: A Year with the Young Marines', as it has been approved for all national PBS stations. Simply click on the poster to the right to watch the documentary.
USCGA Regimental Commander
Former leader of the Northern Kentucky unit, and 2013 National Young Marine of the Year, Dakota Richter served as the Regimental Commander of the United States Coast Guard Academy for the 2017-18 Fall Semester. Regimental Commander is the military leader of the entire Corps of Cadets. Richter will graduate from the Academy in May of 2018 with a Naval Architecture/Marine Engineering degree and then go on to serve at least 5 years as an officer. She stills takes the time to visit with "her Young Marines" whenever possible, as she understands the importance this program played in her appointment to, and desire to excel at, the Coast Guard Academy. |

2017 Young Marines
National Junior Leadership School HONOR GRADUATE
YM/LCpl Parker Wilson, 16 of Falmouth, Kentucky, recently attended Young Marines National Junior Leadership School in Camp Rilea, Oregon. He trained for one week with 86 other Junior Young Marines from across the country to become a better leader. Besides graduating from JLS, YM/LCpl Wilson earned the title of Honor Graduate... as we knew he could!
National Junior Leadership School HONOR GRADUATE
YM/LCpl Parker Wilson, 16 of Falmouth, Kentucky, recently attended Young Marines National Junior Leadership School in Camp Rilea, Oregon. He trained for one week with 86 other Junior Young Marines from across the country to become a better leader. Besides graduating from JLS, YM/LCpl Wilson earned the title of Honor Graduate... as we knew he could!
Northern Kentucky Proud! (again and again)

July 2016: Five Northern Kentucky Young Marines attended and graduated from the Young Marines National Leadership Academy in Camp Rilea, Oregon. YM/LCpl Hayden Mattes (13 of Williamsburg OH), YM/LCpl Scott Robinson (16 of Erlanger KY), and YM/LCpl Ben Schuler (17 of Covington KY) graduated from Junior Leadership School, YM/Sgt Audrey Rowland (17 of Cold Spring KY) graduated from Senior Leadership School, and YM/SgtMaj Caleb Maurer D2YMOY (15 of Bromley KY) graduated from Advanced Leadership School. Congratulations to all! And OOHRAH! to YM/SgtMaj Caleb Maurer for his selection as the 2016 National Advanced Leadership School Honor Graduate!!
N. KY Young Marines DC/Quantico Trip 2015
21 of the Northern Kentucky Young Marines and 5 Adult Staff members travelled to DC and Quantico 8-12 August.
We were joined by 7 members of the Manassas unit and our Division Commander at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. The leaders of the N. KY Young Marines were honored and humbled to lay a wreath at The Tomb of the Unknown.
Marine Corps League Unit Commendation

Aug 2014 - Young Marines HQ announced it will award all Young Marines in the state of Kentucky with the Marine Corps League Commendation, a national honor offered in recognition of outstanding performance of duty to the community over an extended period of time.
All three of the Young Marine units in Kentucky will be presented with the MCL Commendation. This is a very prestigous national award for Young Marines and marks the first time that all three Kentucky units have been recognized in one presentation. The ceremony took place on 28 September in Lexington, KY.
Mr. Zeddie Harmon - Commandant, Marine Corps League Department of Kentucky, Mr. Joe Venable - National Deputy Director of the Young Marines, plus Marine Corps League Commandants and Representatives from across the state plus Young Marines from the Bluegrass unit, the Captain Reginald Underwood unit and the Northern Kentucky unit were in attendance for the presentation of certificates and streamers.
All three of the Young Marine units in Kentucky will be presented with the MCL Commendation. This is a very prestigous national award for Young Marines and marks the first time that all three Kentucky units have been recognized in one presentation. The ceremony took place on 28 September in Lexington, KY.
Mr. Zeddie Harmon - Commandant, Marine Corps League Department of Kentucky, Mr. Joe Venable - National Deputy Director of the Young Marines, plus Marine Corps League Commandants and Representatives from across the state plus Young Marines from the Bluegrass unit, the Captain Reginald Underwood unit and the Northern Kentucky unit were in attendance for the presentation of certificates and streamers.
Northern KY YMs honored at JLS
Aug 2014 - Two of our Young Marines recently attended the 1st Indiana Battalion Junior Leadership School in Columbus IN. Not only did they pass their tests and graduate from the JLS, but they both earned honors. YM/LCpl Audrey Rowland was awarded the MOLLY MARINE Award for Highest Female Physical Fitness Test score and YM/Cpl Charlie Riggs was the JLS HONOR GRADUATE. Side note: At age 11, YM/Cpl Charlie Riggs was not only the Honor Graduate, but also the youngest Young Marine to complete the school. OOHRAH YMs! (Junior Leadership School is necessary in order to promote to the rank of Young Marine Sergeant.)
2013-14 NATIONAL Young Marine of the Year!!

YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter was named the National Young Marine of the Year on 18 May 2013, at a black-tie banquet at the Silver Legacy in Reno, NV.
*Shown in the photos (starting upper left corner and working clockwise) are: 1) National Executive Director LtCol Michael Kessler speaks about Dakota's accomplishments as the 2012-13 National Young Marine of the Year YM/SgtMaj McCall Behringer attaches the Gold Cord to YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter's uniform (signifying her National title). 2) DIV2 Y'ALL (rebranding Division 2, as Richter is the first ever YMOY from KY). 3) Young Marines Division Young Marine of the Year ring. 4) Cpl Alvin Hendricks USMC (National Staff Member & one of Dakota's mentors in the program) with the new National YMOY. 5) YM/SgtMaj Richter and her Mom, Lynne Arnold, celebrating her title. 6) Mr David Byrd (N KY Executive Officer & Security Advisor to the YM/SgtMaj), YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter and Janice Gruner (N KY Unit Fundraising Coordinator).
*Shown in the photos (starting upper left corner and working clockwise) are: 1) National Executive Director LtCol Michael Kessler speaks about Dakota's accomplishments as the 2012-13 National Young Marine of the Year YM/SgtMaj McCall Behringer attaches the Gold Cord to YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter's uniform (signifying her National title). 2) DIV2 Y'ALL (rebranding Division 2, as Richter is the first ever YMOY from KY). 3) Young Marines Division Young Marine of the Year ring. 4) Cpl Alvin Hendricks USMC (National Staff Member & one of Dakota's mentors in the program) with the new National YMOY. 5) YM/SgtMaj Richter and her Mom, Lynne Arnold, celebrating her title. 6) Mr David Byrd (N KY Executive Officer & Security Advisor to the YM/SgtMaj), YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter and Janice Gruner (N KY Unit Fundraising Coordinator).
IWO JIMA: Reunion of Honor

So far, 2 of our Young Marines (YM/SgtMaj Caleb Maurer and YM/SgtMaj Dakota Richter) and one volunteer adult staff member were humbled to be able to, along with 9 other Young Marines from across the country, attend the once-a-year trip to Guam and Iwo Jima as an escort for World World II Veterans. The 6 Division Young Marines of the Year, the current National Young Marine of the Year, the 2 Young Marine Scholarship winners and 1 hand-selected Young Marine are awarded this trip each year, where they attend the Japanese and American memorial service on the island.